No questions about it, auto insurance can cost a bundle, depending on the circumstances. So to save money on this type of coverage, look for free car insurance quotes online and save money on your teen's auto insurance. There are a lot of companies that do offer free car insurance quotes online for clients. Unlike many other types of insurance, you have no choice but to have auto insurance on your vehicles. It's a standard requirement for all drivers. There a misconception among parents of current teenage drivers that the teens should be attached on a separate teen auto insurance policy with lower bodily injury limits. The purpose is to save money on the policy and to hold the teen's driving mishaps off the parents' auto insurance report. With the prices rising these days, it is our prerogative to choose affordable car insurance.
But the fact is, if a teenage driver has an accident, an injured party whose hurt is not covered by the grievous limits of the student auto insurance. And they will most likely go after the assets of the parents anyway. If that happens and you don't have a gigantic amount of cash to pay the damages, your house might be in jeopardy. Inexperienced teenage drivers have higher rate of accidents than experienced drivers. In fact, insurance agents can guarantee you that, a very high percentage of teenage drivers break their first car. So don't risk your personal assets by skimping on bodily injury limits. Before you purchase affordable car insurance from these companies, also make sure that you have the right coverage required by your state. And by getting free car insurance quotes, you will have the chance to choose the right coverage for you and your teens.
What Does a Basic Auto Insurance Policy Cover for Your Teenage Driver?
Bodily Injury Liability- covers injuries that your teenage driver causes to others. If your teenage drivers are listed on your auto insurance policy, they are also covered if they cause accidents while driving someone else's car (assuming the owner of the car has granted permission). Without adequate bodily injury liability, if your teenage driver gets into a serious accident, you can be sued for a great deal of money. That's why it's not lustrous to limit this coverage to the only the minimum. Affordable car insurance is not just important. The amount of coverage should be considered as well. So when you ask for free car insurance quotes, make sure that you know how much coverage is included.
Medical Payments or Personal Injury Protection (PIP) - pays for treatment of injuries to your teenage driver and passengers in the car.
Property Distress Liability - pays for distress your teenage driver causes to someone else's property. That usually refers to another car, but could be hurt caused to fences, light posts, and other structures.
Collision - pays for damages incurred to your car (or your teen's car) caused by hitting another car or object, flipping over, or hitting a pothole. Usually this feature of auto insurance has deductibles ranging from $250 to $1,000. If your teenage driver is involved in an accident, the auto insurance should pay for the damages, once the deductible is met. If you have money station aside to pay the deductible, you can set aside significantly on your teen auto insurance policy by having a higher deductible.
Comprehensive - covers your teen's car for theft or harm caused by something other than another car or object, such as fire, falling objects, explosions, earthquakes, hail, vandalism, riots, windstorms, contact with animals. Comprehensive auto insurance will also conceal a cracked or shattered windshield, possibly without charging the deductible. The deductible on this coverage is usually between $100 and $300, but again, the higher deductible will achieve you money on premiums. Unless you have a car loan, comprehensive auto insurance is not usually required.
Uninsured or underinsured motorist - this auto insurance covers your teenage driver if he or she is hit by a hit-and-run driver, or a motorist without auto insurance or without adequate insurance, or if your teen is hit while crossing the pedestrian.
Plan Ahead If You Want Affordable Car Insurance for your Teens
There are tips for you to consider for your teens to avail of affordable car insurance.
Remind your teens that doing well in school will allow them to have affordable car insurance since there are often discounts available for students with good academic performance. When looking for free car insurance always inquire about discounts. Most teens are very motivated to earn the freedom that driving allows. If they know you will only permit them to drive with affordable car insurance, your teen may save more trouble in their studies, which leads to a double benefit: better grades, affordable car insurance rates.
Accept free car insurance quotes from several different insurers. Rates can vary considerably. Often the companies you observe advertising on TV as ultra-cheap are actually a stout deal higher than the competition. You can also shop online for the best auto insurance rates.
Have your teenager driver a share in the cost of driving, maintaining and insuring the car. If allotment of his or her allowance or paycheck goes to camouflage the cost of auto insurance, the teen will more likely be pleased by the privilege of driving and saving his money.
Not because your teenager has had commercial driver's training, he or she is prepared. Commercial training programs usually require only a few hours behind the wheel before declaring your teen ready for the road. The fact that automobile accidents are the number one cause of death among teenagers should be a warning to every parent. Utilize enough time driving with your teens and talking to them about the potential dangers that you feel comfortable with their skills and knowledge. It is very important that every teenager should get auto insurance. Affordable car insurance is available online so shop for insurance and get free car insurance quotes as well to save money on your coverage.